Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturising Lotion
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Behind the Scenes Tag
Hi guys,
I was tagged to do this post by Luscious Lane, so I hope you enjoy having a read of my answers! For anyone reading this, I TAG YOU!
Why and when
did you start blogging?
I first started blogging about a year ago. I wanted to start blogging because I thought it would be a good way to express myself. I wanted to say that I had a hobby and that I was actually good at something! I had been reading blogs for a while before creating mine, to get some ideas about what I could talk about and what other people found interesting. Then I just thought, WHY NOT? and did my first post and I haven't looked back since.
What gives you inspiration for blog posts?
I don't really look for inspiration, I will just blog about things I like and enjoy. I like to blog about a mixture of everything, from product reviews to serious topics such as my posts about depression and rape culture, which gives me a lot of options and variety. I still love to read other blogs to get ideas and see what is a popular talking point, so I would say I get some inspiration from other bloggers.
What advise would you give to people starting out?
Be active on social media sites. I have gained most of my views and followers from sharing my blog on Twitter. It is a great way to network with other bloggers and you can make some great friends out of it too.
What is the best thing about being a blogger?
Being able to express myself and be able to talk about things that genuinely interest me. I also love the blogging community and the fact that everyone is so supportive of each other.
What do your friends and family think about you being a blogger?
Not everyone knows that I have my own blog! My boyfriend though has been really supportive and is really proud of me for sticking with it. He knows that I struggle with my confidence and self esteem and writing my blog has really helped me fight these issues. I get so excited when I get new followers and he always seems interested, even when he couldn't care less! Family are supportive of everything I do, so as long as I am doing something I enjoy, they are more than happy.
Is blogging how you pictured it to be?
It is a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially in terms of getting people to take notice and get followers. I think in some ways, this makes it even better when you do get views and followers though, because you have really worked hard to get noticed! I love blogging though, and the hard work does pay off.
Are there any bloggers that you feel deserve more readers/ have you made any friends through blogging?
There are so many bloggers that deserve more attention, I couldn't possibly list all of them! A few of my favourites at the moment though, are FatBeauty, Zoe's Secret Style, Leah Talks and Twinkle's Beauty Blog. These all give so much detail in their posts and I can tell they are all really passionate about their blogging. I haven't made any friends as such through blogging, but it is making me more confident in talking to new people, which is great!
What inspired your blog name?
I don't really know if I'm honest! It kinda popped into my head
one day. I guess I like it because I like simplicity and I am extremely
curious, especially when it comes to trying new products or having new
experiences. I think my blog is simple, in its design and also in its content.
I like to give a lot of information but hopefully I give it in a way that is
simple and easy to understand!
Sunday, 2 November 2014
October Favourites
Saturday, 1 November 2014
MUA Luxe Voluminous Felt Eyeliner
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Tried and Tasted: Halloween Sweets
Hello everyone,
Myself and my boyfriend (also know as CoopyCatCreations) have made a video!
Basically it is just us, eating terrible Halloween sweets and making terrible jokes. I hope you guys check it out. I would really appreciate some sharing and stuff :)
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Living with Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder
Hi everyone,
I have done a
similar post to this previously, but I wanted to go a bit more in depth and let
you get to know the real me.
I have
depression and BPD, usually know as Borderline Personality Disorder. Depression
is defined by Depression UK as:
a mood disorder
characterised by low mood and a wide range of other possible symptoms, which
will vary from person to person. An illness that can develop quickly or
gradually, and be brought on by life events and/or changes in body chemistry.
It can strike anyone, and is curable.
I was first
diagnosed with depression 3 years ago, when I started university. I had been
feeling down for some time and my mood swings were getting uncontrollable. My
relationship with my boyfriend was getting worse because I was so paranoid and
my anger towards him grew so much, we questioned why we were together.
I decided to go
to the doctors because I decided I couldn't live like that anymore and he
suggested depression as a likely cause. He referred me to the Peter Hodgkinson
centre in Lincoln, a NHS service aimed at helping patients with mental health
problems. I have now been a patient at
this centre for 2 and a half years and I
go for check ups with my assigned consultant every three months for a review of
my medication. I have been referred to counsellors previously but due to the fact I was ill for one of my sessions, I got discharged from their services. This has thrown me off and any benefit I got from my short time at counselling has steadily disappeared.
Personality Disorder is one of the most common personality disorders. People
with personality disorders may find it difficult to:
- make or keep close relationships
- get on with people at work
- get on with friends and family
- keep out of trouble
- control your feelings or behaviour
- listen to other people
There are
different types of personality disorder and I have been diagnosed with the
'Borderline or emotionally unstable' group. This means that I am impulsive and
I find it hard to cope my emotions. I have up and down days, meaning that if I
am sad, I am very sad and if I am happy, I am manic and highly excitable. It can also mean that I feel paranoid and have low self esteem and self worth.
The paranoia and
low self esteem are the symptoms that affect me most of all. I am paranoid
about everything and everyone. I struggle to leave the house some days because
I am terrified of how other people will perceive me and I am scared that someone
will laugh at me (classic paranoia!). The paranoia also affects my relationship
with my boyfriend. I am paranoid about him 24 hours a day, I struggle to
control thoughts about him and it results in me getting extremely upset and/or
angry. I accuse him of cheating or sneaking around behind my back and I have
gone through phases of checking his phone and internet history just to make
sure he isn't messing around. My problem has got so bad that I get to the point
of wishing him to mess up, just so I am justified in my feelings and I have the
right to be mad at him.
My low self
esteem has to take some responsibility for this behaviour. I think so
negatively of myself and constantly judge myself next to other people. To go
out is a struggle, even now. I need the motivation from other people to get me
to leave the house. If I had the choice, I would stay in bed all day.
This combined with the depression leads to a very stressful life. Of course I have good days, I can have times when I am so happy and nothing bothers me and this is a release to me. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my head. Other days, I feel swamped, like my head is going to explode. I guess I have to reach a good and healthy balance but I know it will be a struggle.
Thoughts of suicide and self harm are also a problem. About 2 months ago, I was staying with my parents to give my boyfriend a break. I had only been there on my own a few hours and I started to get a sinking feeling. I felt awful, I was crying non stop and nothing could help. I had a panic attack, I was uncontrollable and I was desperate to be back with my boyfriend. After several hours of crying I found pills in my bag and decided to take the whole packet (10 in all). I knew at the time that this probably wasn't enough to kill me, but I really wanted to hurt myself and this was the only way I knew how. I sat for a while after taking the pills and I felt numb. I didn't care what happened next. Only trouble was, my boyfriend rang me after I had taken them. I told him what had happened and he went mad at me and said he was going to have to tell my parents, who were downstairs when this happened. I hung up and 5 seconds later, my parents phone rang. I knew he was going to tell them, so while my dad was on the phone I ran downstairs and told my mum everything. I will never forget the look on her face.
My dad eventually rang the hospital and I had a check up. I was told that I wasn't in any danger and that the crisis team was not necessary. This, is something I will never understand. A girl takes a lot of pills, but oh no, not a crisis. She is obviously completely fine.
Thoughts of suicide and self harm are also a problem. About 2 months ago, I was staying with my parents to give my boyfriend a break. I had only been there on my own a few hours and I started to get a sinking feeling. I felt awful, I was crying non stop and nothing could help. I had a panic attack, I was uncontrollable and I was desperate to be back with my boyfriend. After several hours of crying I found pills in my bag and decided to take the whole packet (10 in all). I knew at the time that this probably wasn't enough to kill me, but I really wanted to hurt myself and this was the only way I knew how. I sat for a while after taking the pills and I felt numb. I didn't care what happened next. Only trouble was, my boyfriend rang me after I had taken them. I told him what had happened and he went mad at me and said he was going to have to tell my parents, who were downstairs when this happened. I hung up and 5 seconds later, my parents phone rang. I knew he was going to tell them, so while my dad was on the phone I ran downstairs and told my mum everything. I will never forget the look on her face.
My dad eventually rang the hospital and I had a check up. I was told that I wasn't in any danger and that the crisis team was not necessary. This, is something I will never understand. A girl takes a lot of pills, but oh no, not a crisis. She is obviously completely fine.
I am now on a mood stabilizing medication called Aripiprazole and so far so good. My moods are more steady however I still get extremely paranoid and angry. I know I will probably need a lifetime supply of counselling and medication to 'fix' me, but I hope in the end it will all be worth it. For the sake of my relationship especially.
I want to raise awareness of mental health issues and show people that we are not 'crazy' or 'mad'. I have so many issues, it would take me hours to list them all. I have had traumatic experiences, I have depression in my family and all this learned behaviour has meant I struggle on a daily basis. I would say to anyone struggling with any issues similar to mine, or different, please find help.
Talk to someone, let them know if you are feeling like shit and need a shoulder to cry on. Be honest and open. This is where I struggle. I hate to admit my faults and up until recently I have viewed my depression as a weakness. I now know that depression and BPD will not define me, yes I have it, but there are far more important personality traits that I want to be known for.
To those without depression: take the time to ask people if they are ok. I'm sure they will appreciate it :)
Monday, 27 October 2014
My First Video
Thanks guys!
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Seventeen Stay Time Foundation: Review
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Sanctuary Replenishing Hydra Tonic Review
Fragrance Direct,
Monday, 20 October 2014
Macadamia Oil Extract Hair Treatment
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Winter Must Haves!
- Yankee Candles: I love candles. I can't get enough of them. Yankee candles are by far the best ones on the high street and although they are not the cheapest, they are excellent quality and last for ages. My current favourite is the Vanilla Lime scent. I bought this for my mum about 2 years ago and she still has half of the jar left. I love visiting her house, mainly because I get to smell this deliciousness! Anyway, I have selected a few candles that I would love to try out, including: Black Cherry - 'the absolutely delicious sweetness of rich, ripe black cherries'; Cinnamon Appleberry - 'the welcoming aroma of tart apples and sugary berries laced with cinnamon' and Christmas Eve - 'traditional Christmas scents of a warm hearth, sugared plums, and candied fruits'. I love anything cinnamon-y and sweet, rich scents always remind me of Christmas, so I feel these candles would be perfect for making the house cosy and inviting. Check out the Yankee Candle website to see their massive selection of candles and gift sets.
Look how pretty they are!
- Cushions: Cushions are a must have during the winter. They give you something to snuggle into during the cold evenings and they look super duper pretty as well. Zazzle have some amazing cushions, some of which you can personalize which is pretty cool. They tend to be on the pricey side, but I definitely think they are with the price tag, especially for some of the more vintage designs. Below are some of my favorites:
Yes, I am a bit soppy!
- Hot Water Bottle Covers: This is a bit of a random one, but every year I say I am going to invest in a hot water bottle and I never do. I really need one, because I am always really really cold but I think they are so ugly, so I can never settle on one I like! I have now sorted this problem however, and I may have to splash out and treat myself to one of the amazing hot water bottles from Not On The High Street. They have sme really simple designs and some really funky, bright designs; perfect for any house. Not only are the useful, but they are extremely attractive and would really spruce up a dull room. A couple of my favourites are:
Bit of a contrast I know!
- Big Mugs: I don't know about you, but one of the best things about the colder weather is being able to drink as much hot chocolate as possible, and obviously you need the biggest mug to drink it from! After having a look around on the high street and online, I found that once again, Zazzle had one of the best collections of mugs. My personal favourite is this one:
I love cats and hot chocolate...PERFECT
What do you guys think? Anything you can recommend?
Please comment below :)
Friday, 26 September 2014
Creightons Keratin Pro Shampoo
argan oil,
damaged hair,
herbal essences,
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Emetophobia and Noroviris vlog
This will only be a short post, but I really wanted to help my boyfriend out by promoting his YouTube channel. He has only recently started vlogging, but I am so proud of him and, although I may be slightly biased, I think his stuff is really good. His most recent video is focused on emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and norovirus. These areas are really close to his heart as he suffers from emetophobia and it affects his day to day life. He thought it may be beneficial for other sufferer's to see that they are not alone, and also to raise awareness.
I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at his videos and like or subscribe to his channel. It would be really lovely of you!
Feeling Poorly: Motivation
These three really stood out to me and I plan on doing things for myself more and doing things that make me happy. I will not let feeling like poop get me down, I will push myself through it and be a better person at the end of it.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Rape and Victim Blaming
- Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year
- Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year
- 1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.
I have experienced this treatment. When I was assaulted 5 years ago, the police asked me why I had been out so late and if I had been drinking. I was so shocked that they felt the need to ask these questions. It felt as if I had brought it on myself and that I deserved it to happen to me because I had made the choice to go out late at night. This is wrong and this is what needs to change.
You see it all the time in the news, not just with rape and sexual assault but with other day to day issues. I watched This Morning the other day and they were talking about revenge porn, sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual with the intent to shame or embarrass the individual, typically uploaded by ex-partners. I hate the idea of this ever happening to me, but the main issue I had was with Denise Robertson, This Morning's agony aunt. Her response to this issue was that people shouldn't take explicit photos in the first place. As soon as she said this I felt myself getting so angry. People should be allowed to take photos but people shouldn't be so vindictive to share them without consent. Once again, it places blame on the victim by saying that if they hadn't done a certain action then the problem wouldn't have happened.
After looking into opinions of rape and victims of rape, I was in complete shock. The Amnesty International poll of 1,000 people in 2005 found over 25% believe the woman is at least partly to blame if she has worn revealing clothing or been drunk. Similarly, more than a quarter of people (30%) said that a woman was partially or totally responsible for being raped if she was drunk, and more than a third (37%) held the same view if the woman had failed to clearly say no to the man. This victim blaming will hold us back from living in an equal society. The government says we live in one currently, but from these figures it is clear we don't.
Boys need to be taught about this subject from a younger age. I remember at school (I went to an all girls school), teachers telling us that we need to look after ourselves and be sensible, but what are boys taught? Boys need to know that no means no and that if a woman is too drunk to consent, to leave her alone. I am not going to go on an anti-man rant, because I know that it can happen to men too, but education is one of the first steps to ending this cycle of victim blaming and negative perceptions of rape victims.
Women should be allowed to dress how they like, walk where they like and act how they like without fear of being harmed. There are so many excuses and it is time that the government and members of the public took note of this and realise that it is NEVER the victims fault. Nobody should have to go through something as traumatic as rape and then be blamed. I have spent days in tears because I blamed myself for what happened to me, and I now realise that I was so wrong. I just hope that other women can feel the way I feel and know that they are not alone but are in no way to blame.
This isn't an issue just in the UK. I think this website gives a really good insight into the global rape crisis.
I really hope that one day rape will be no more and people will be respected and viewed as equal.
(If anyone is interested, this is the petition to remove the 'Know your Limits' poster - please sign!)
know your limits,
victim blaming
Monday, 28 July 2014

Saturday, 5 July 2014
Depression and BPD
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