Monday, 31 August 2015

25 Facts About Me

Hi guys!

So this is a bit of a different one, but today I will be telling you a little more about myself!

  1. I was born on a Sunday
  2. My favourite colour is teal
  3. I have been to the same place on holiday (Bodrum, Turkey) 15 times!
  4. I have dyed my hair more times than I can remember...
  5. I am naturally blonde
  6. I love curry
  7. I have a slight Moomin obsession
  8. I absolutely love cooking...
  9. My favourite thing to cook is chilli pasta bake
  10. I nearly blinded myself when I was about 5 years old when I ran into a wooden fence :(
  11. I once superglued my fingers together and my dad's socks to the floor. We had to call an ambulance!
  12. I have trypophobia.
  13. My middle name is Mary (eurgh)
  14. I love metal, rock and alternative music, but if Beyonce comes on, I will sing along!
  15. Cats are my favourite animal
  16. I have always wanted to visit America...
  17. I used to have a phobia of mushrooms
  18. I love vampire movies (Lost Boys, Fright Night, 30 Days of Night)
  19. I have a 32 year old brother
  20. I currently work as an admin assistant at a bistro restaurant in the centre of Lincoln
  21. My favourite game is and always will be Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  22. I really struggle with my shyness, it gets me down most days
  23. To me, fish and chips on the beach are probably one of the best things in life
  24. I am absolutely terrified of spiders
  25. I am 5ft 9 and have size 8 feet
So there you go! I hope you have got to know me a little better! 

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